Member Application

Feb 19, 2009 14:43

Let's Talk About Your Stats:
Who are you? (Full Name):
Kelsey-Shea Mahealani Morris

When were you born? (month, date, year):
July 13 1988 [almost 21 bitches!!]

Where do you live? (nearest major city):

Significant Other? (Pictures?):
yep just one
Justin: July 15 will be our 2 year aniversay

Describe yourself 2 sentences or less (for the love of our eyes, no run ons please!):
Im fun and I dont give a f****

More Info About You:
Tell us your favorite things from these 3 M's; music, movies, and material possessions:
Music: erykah badu, brittney spears, the dream
Movies: The Note Book, Menes II Society, American Beauty
Material Possessions: My cell, flat iron, make up, iPod

3 Favorite Things to Do in Summer:
Beach, picnics, wear short shorts :O)

Favorite Card Game(s):
Rummy!! and Pipeeto [sp]

Favorite Vacation Spot:
I live in one...but besides here...I'd like to see Italy

What trends do you LOVE?
tote bags, extra long necklaces with charms and stilettos

What trends do you LOATHE?
mesh tops, low rise jeans two sizes to small,

You Know the Drill:
If you're serious, you'll promote. None of this "I'll do it later" nonsense. It takes less than a minute!
Please list your links here.


Friend's journal:

Promotion community:

Let's Hear Some Opinions!
Everyone has an issue that pushes their buttons. What is your's and why?
Health care, I dont understand why we have to pay so much to stay healthy. In Germany every one has access to health care no matter what age or occupation. But in America, families are forced to work multiple jobs just to be able to recieve health insurance that barely covers anything. It just seems unfair that something that is a necessity to every humans life no matter what race, age, or religious orientation is so hard to obtain in America.

Who is the prettiest member?

How do you feel about the moderator(s)? (Don't worry about trying to kiss up. Honesty is valued.)
They look like some pretty cool kats.

Show Us Who You Are and Prove It!
We want to see 4-8 pictures of you that show off your style, your personality, your interests, basically you.
Your salute needs to have YOUR USERNAME @ Pain is Beauty, or @ LIVEJOURNAL.
Other communities will NOT work!


application, accepted, member - kelsey_shea

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