Dec 02, 2008 00:28
anyways, enough about how my dates are fuckedd up. Today was eventful, Tim took me to go see what I could do about my phone since my mother decided to deactivate it. yeaaa reaal nice. and they couldnt do anything b/c they suck. Then we went out to lunch with Breen n Liz and djavannnnnnnn was our waiterrr. werd. <3 then i hung out with tim for awhile then went to Dj's house and hung there with dj erica dan chris maria n rob and then we went to the pool hall which was fun and i has so much engery it was ridcolous i didnt no what to do with myself. haha crazyyyy.
So im feeling alot better from being sickkk =), which is amazingggg.
hopefully my mom will turn on my phone tomorrow. i feel like i have no friends without a phone not cool.
<33let the rain fill my mouth and a couple of hours ill be deaddd.