
Dec 10, 2009 22:19

In-Character Information
Name : Iggy Koopa
Game/Series: Super Mario and all that jazz
Age & Grade Level: 16, Freshman

Personality: Iggy's one of the stranger cases of a little boy with a weird personality. No. An inventor by nature, Iggy loves to design all sorts of things, be they giant mechas or just some stupid thing that one of his siblings asked him to make. Behind his glasses hides the mind of a demented mechanical genius, but you'd never figure that out, unless you personally knew him! His intelligence is only rivaled to the oldest of the Koopalings, Ludwig. He'd rather be a trouble maker and a nuisance to society in public, and he acts the best worst best around his twin brother, Lemmy.

He keeps his maturity in line as much as possible, however, the playful side of him can't be contained so much. Especially whenever in the midst of a battle, he loves to taunt his foes and even pull a trick or two before the battle's even started! He may also like to speak rhymes to fuck with people, but that's not confirmed B) Towards his family, he doesn't really give too much of a care for their requests for him to build something for them-unless, of course, they get stupid with the requests-especially from younger siblings. He's never been too fond of Roy, who's always seemed to bully the crap out of him at random. He doesn't let that keep him down, though. He respects his father, even if the gears click in his mind and go "wait, that sounds stupid", he'll still go with the plan, juuust to see if it'd actually work or not! The whole heirchy of popularity between all of Bowser's children doesn't really take too much interest in Iggy, he's quite okay with what he's got.

To a person who has not gotten onto the wrong foot with Iggy, he'll be mildly friendly toward them, with a tad touch of the hyperactive playful nature he loves to keep. However, if you're not on his good side coughtheplumberscough, he'll act beyond bratty and terrible, maybe even begining to threaten them with his wand if they strike a chord too many times.

Backstory: Gee, aint that a hoot. Bowser had kids! ...Wait, BOWSER had kids? Eight of them in total, too!? Oh geeze... how unfortunate for the anonymous women 8( Of these children, as known as the Koopalings, came two very similar, yet different twins, Iggy and Lemmy. Even though they retained their similarities, Iggy proved to become smarter than his brother, and unfortunately to retain the nerd chic that he was pulling off at an early age he had to wear glasses. (he's never minded them, to be honest, he thinks they're wicked as heck. :B ) He caught onto things quickly, especially magic, seemed like everyone did, and was able to set it into play for helping his father in future tasks.

One task, was to help his father conquer all of Mushroom World! He was assigned for the takeover of Giant Land, he went into the territory of land armed with an army and a bunch of weaponry. He overthrew the king, stealing his wand, and turned the old man into a dinosaur this wasn't an insult in itself, I swear! He found out that someone was trying to stop their overthrow of the world, and set a bunch of traps in his airship that he used to get to Giant Land... just like all the other Koopalings, hurhur. Somehow Iggy ended up being defeated by Mario, and ended up getting punished by his father.

Wasn't until sometime, that they were finally given another chance to go play out in the world. This time, they were after Dinosaur Land! First, they trapped all of the Yoshis into eggs, while the Mario Bros were out, and stole Princess Peach! Anyway, same routine, aaaand they all were at their own words waiting for the brothers to come and to stop them in their tracks. Iggy was stationed at Yoshi's Island, actually having a pretty decent time, especially guarding the Yoshi egg.

But, uh, derp. Mario found where he was hiding within his castle, maybe the stupidest thing he's done was sit in the middle of a lava field on a floating piece of island. He thought that he didn't need anything else to defeat Mario, none of Mario's attacks really worked against him, and he was able to shoot fireballs at him! Of course, he was still bested in the end, falling into the lava, he had another guy survived the lava, but of course, his siblings were grounded again. Of course, and for a VERY long time. Duhh, how dumb.

Oh yeah, they ended up getting ungrounded for a little while, when Bowletta (for some odd reason, he believed that he was Bowser) scooped them up to try to defeat Mario and Luigi again! Iggy decided to try to get a little bit of PR towards the family, and chose to go first against the duo. He even pulled the trick to make them dizzy before they battled him. Even with that trick, they still defeated him, along with everyone else. AND guess what? They were grounded AGAIN! Such a terrible fate for the siblings.

In fact, after a while, and of course, the addition of the new favorite son, Bowser Jr, AND the fact that both the koopalings' father, and the newest son were suddenly gone on leave to attend a school! Iggy grew bored, really quickly. Kamek did prove for a sufficient babysitter, but then out of the blue, he left to the school too. Even if rules were set, no one really followed them unless an enforcer was in with them. A while went by, and two of his siblings went to the school too, leaving Iggy alone in the castle with Ludwig, Morton, Larry, and ugh... Roy. Iggy wouldn't stand for it. He went through a quick phase of a growth spurt, and decided to complete it by changing up his hair style completely. The newly grown Koopaling was now much too restless to keep himself in the castle, and went off to join his family in Smash Academy, he had to! He was missing a worthwhile party!
Anything Else?:
o WELL LET'S SEE. Ju' like everyone else in the Koopaling family, he has magic wandz, and he's not afraid to uze it. 8(
o He's all talk and no macho, also he'd rather prank than do something evil.
o ... Iggy hates Roy and Wendy, okay? :C He'll tolerate them, but that's it.
o [Insert something relevant about Iggy here]

dis is important, ooc, app post

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