May 21, 2004 01:50
So yeah...Heather called me tonight at 10:55 and I was in the middle of my evening/late night nap when she called. I think I feel asleep around 7:00 and I must have just died. Anyway when she called, I looked at the clock and thought "Oh shit it's 10:55 AM, I missed taking Debbie to her dr. appt." Then I was like, "Heather, why the hell aren't you in school", then she explained to me that it was night. DUH....stupid me!! Oh my....I'm special :o) We talked for about an hour, just about random things, was very nice. I laughed alot, hehe! Thanks for calling,,,it was nice talking to you. NOW I CAN'T GET BACK TO SLEEP DAMNIT....j/j!
So yeah, I have to take Deb to doctors appointments tomorrow and stuff. It's going to be a hectic day. I have to get my check cashed tomorrow, get things together that I'm taking with me for the weekend. (Note to self: Find duffle bag), and we STILL have to reserve our hotel room. Yeah we're kind of last mineut people,,,,but oh well, that's what makes us special, I guess!
So yeah, I guess I"m going to try and go to bed and go back to sleep! Have a good night!