May 29, 2005 21:37
..........I had an incredible day today....I would not change anything about it either!
woke up around 9:00 A.M
Watched some music videos..
Came online talked with andy about getting together
wanted to go to the zoo but we weren't able to
andy picked me up around 2:00
went to kensington park without getting lost
went to the farm center, which was frikin awesome! MOO MOO'S
drived around in kensington!
went to go get gas....
Decided to go back and drive out to the mall(12 oaks)
went out to dinner to the highland house..very cool
picked up meagan and keirsten..and went to meijers
dropped meagan off
went to keirstens house and went on her boat..
andy dropped me off.. sigh.. didnt want to leave...
went on a jog.....
today had to of been the best day of the weekend!!! it was awesome!! and andy is super hottt....he is such the hottest guy friend i have!! woooo hooo....
now i have to end updating LJ love you all.. hopefully you are all having a pimp memorial weekend! kiss kiss