Sep 19, 2006 03:06
You know... games, movies, music. Things of a nature that's intended to move you. Things that allow you to feel free, experiance joy, hurt, sadness, pride, meloncholy, ambigity, patience, trust... They inspire you to love, to hate, to fear and dread, to conquer. The things that these forms of media and enjoyment are supposed to do, I've found produce such effects over me.
I've played through and beaten Xenosaga Epiosode III twice. Both times I've felt accomplished in the completion. Both times I've cried at the end, because the ending it sad and happy at the same times. But also too, I'm left with a feeling of... incompleteness. It's like there's something that's just left undone, that I'd like to see.
I suppose though with this being the last of the series, that's not comming to pass.
Possibly they ended the series like this for your own imagination to take flight and build a perfect conclusion.
But, just perhaps, I enjoy seeing a true completion.