I watched Arashi no Shukudai-kun#97 (aired 18.08.2008) and Music Lover last night.
yuckie_chansaid, the ANS episode is totally A++++. It's one of the funniest episodes so far, especially for you Ohno and Sho fan out there XD
I love Sho being his dorky and 'fail-at-sport' self, so I can't resist sharing with you Sho's trampoline monomane (ones that, I think, are interesting)
Now, let's guess along with Aiba and Ohno....
.....It's Kamehameha (As in Dragon Ball's Turtle Destruction Wave )
.....um....Michael Jackson O_o
......Emergency Exit sign, which looks link this
.........Ninja XD
.....my favourite!....Firework!
Don't you just wanna squish him :)...Ah, bless him! the Keio Chipmunk :)
For Ohmiya fan..............*frail
Strip him naked! Strip him naked!....
And for those of you with arm fettish (again, like myself)...drool to your heart's content!
I see loadsa green eyes out there! Who wish to trade place with that girl, please raise your hand!
....Ooh...Mr.Sex Arm...trying too hard??? :D
Just because he is such a beauty....but don't you feel like you wanna force feed him?
And lastly, a funny clip I happen to notice on Music Lover....
I begin to think that the reason for Ohno looking dazed and confused all the time is because he has psychic ability!....like seeing spirits and ghost and such. This looks like he is brushin off bad spirit from Sho head...hahahahaha XD ( I've seen Gackt did the same in Domoto Kyoudai, when they were talking about ghost and FYI, Gackt claims that he can see ghosts....)
Or maybe it's just a small fly...*smack head for thinking too much :)
Hope you enjoy this :)