May 16, 2005 08:05
Hello!! I'm at school... tht's gay, I have no life!! lol!! Nah, i'm wit Cindy, Ash and Ellan... sup? Did i tell you bout saturday?? Okey, Ash, Tessa and Brandon came ova (soz if you weren't invited, i had a limit of 4, and ria was invited too... even though she din come cuz her mouth hurt cuz she had a dentist appointment) and it was fun! we spent some time on teh computa at first, and den went down later, and i jst realised how much my condo. rox!! lol, it was fun! and then i got pushed into the pool so i decided to just swim in my clothes!! and then we were flipping peeps and stuff, and when Brandon flipped me, it was such shallow water, that i banged my head!! IT HURT! but i'm okey now! : D sorta... i still can't laugh hard or it hurts!! : P anyway, later on we did dares, and it was.... well, kinda gross realli! ASHLEY HAD TO LICK BRANDONS CHEST! and then brandon got a bit hyper, and searched for "kinky dares" on google, cept we din do them! THEY WERE SERIOUSLY GROSS.
Anyway, then later on, ash and tessa slept downstairs in my shower cubicle!!! They wanted to sleep at my place, cept i wasnt allowed, and it was soooo funny! they were actually planning to sleep by the pool, but it started to rain soooo hard!!! hehe, anyway, it was fun... apart from ash's phone got dropped in the pool : S soz ash... it actually stopped working!
Oh yeah, and next weekend there's this Dare Thing going on, so yeah, tell you bout it next week! bye!!!