Meme, stolen from many

Jul 01, 2008 16:53

Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to Ten Different People Right Now:
1.             Holy crap are you a skeazy ho.
2.             What on earth are you doing?
3.             What is your problem with me?  I’m dying to know.
4.             That’s just creepy.
5.             I miss talking to you.
6.             Headkisses!
7.             You’re throwing away your potential because you’re too scared to do something about it.
8.             You only think I’m coming back!
9.             You’re a little weird, and by a little I mean, a lot.
10.         Get help.

Nine Things About Myself:
1.                  I hate talking on the phone.
2.                  Voicemails scare me.
3.                  I’m way too forgiving with some people, and have no patience with others.
4.                  I’m in to knitting and childbirth.  Only one of which I get to talk about with most people.
5.                  After years of drugs and therapy, I finally found one therapist who kicked my ass in to line in 6 months flat, three of which were prescription free.
6.                  I freaking love being pregnant.
7.                  I tend to be judgmental, but I always keep it to myself (and my husband).
8.                  I love cooking Indian food.
9.                  My parents are some of my best friends.

Eight Ways to Win My Heart:
1.                  Don’t tell me I look huge.
2.                  Don’t touch the tummy without asking first.
3.                  Bring caramel brownies.
4.                  Like cats.
5.                  Be nice to customer service people.
6.                  Don’t harass me about singing if we go to karaoke.
7.                  Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not.
8.                  Did I mention not telling me I was huge?

Seven Things That Cross My Mind a Lot:
1.                  Oof! I think that was a butt.
2.                  OMG! Why did you do this thing?
3.                  I need to sweep.
4.                  Kitty, stop it!
5.                  I have to pee.
6.                  …and then that happened.
7.                  Oooo!  Scones!

Six Things I Do Before I Fall Asleep:
1.                  Take my prenatals, calcium, and vitamin C.
2.                  Brush and floss.
3.                  Cuddle with Chris.
4.                  Flip over about 16 times.
5.                  Make Chris turn on my turtle.
6.                  Give Kitty some pets.

Five People Who Mean a Lot:
1.                  My mom and Harvey
2.                  Smudge
3.                  Chris
4.                  Michael
5.                  Everyone else I can’t list because this is the last number.

Four Things You're Wearing Right Now:
1.                  Wrist brace
2.                  Ridiculously large bra
3.                  Mary Jane Crocs
4.                  Preggo jeans

Three Songs That You Listen to Often (Currently):
1.                  Black Betty - Spiderbait
2.                  In the Hall of the Mountain King - Edvard Grieg
3.                  Anitra's Dance - Edvard Grieg

Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die:
1.                  Visit Egypt
2.                  Go on an archaeological dig

One Confession:
1.                  I’m terrified I’ll suck as a parent

friends, meme

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