I saw the Panama Canal last Saturday. I don't remember what it was that made me want to see it. I think my son was asking a question about the possible use of the Panama Canal in a video game and I realized that I didn't actually know much about it other than it's in Panama, at a narrow point, and boats can go from one ocean to the other.
Anyway, I went to look at the map to see where exactly it was, and then used the satellite view (there may also be a terrain view or a hybrid view) to get an idea of
what it looked like. Once you're at the map, click on the "More" option across the top and you can choose to see pictures; these thumbnails (well, more like pinkie-nails) appear. These are pictures that other users have posted on line and identified as related to that area.
You can click on any that you want to see, or none. It's like when a friend comes back from abroad and gives a slide presentation, only you control which pictures you want to see and for how long.
To get rid of the placemarkers, right click on one of them, then select "Clear Search Results."
You can also search the web to find some info about the place, or other details - such as how does the panama canal actually work.
Wikipedia is another option under "More," but I found some really good information
here. Great way to kill some time, and it's inexpensive travel.