Sep 11, 2010 23:09
Good thing i didn't delete my journal. It was just that I didn't know what to write anymore and then I felt guilty about not updating and then it got even harder to post.
I gotten a new job, it's not a proper job it's some kind of "protected employment" that you can only have for 18 months, but it feels like a real job and it even got a proper salary!
I worked 50% during one month, that was August. Now I'm working 75% and hopes to be able to change it to 100% next month.
It's election this month and I'm actually on one of the ballot papers, sure I'm down at the bottom so it's not like I'm going to be elected unless the election goes in a way as likely as hell frezing over and such.
I'm waiting for another evalution to see if I have another diagnose than the ADHD+DCD I already got.
I love my Nintendo DS, it's quite worn out now and I play Pokémon for hours most days.
I'm letting my hair grow out again anmd dyed it purple, well it didn't get as obvious purple as I wanted but still is kinda neat.