This is mostly copied and pasted from a post a made in a forum I frequent because I'm really tired and my eye sight is a bit messed up right now. When we were in the car the sight in my left eye went all wonky for a while and when I closed my other eye it was like looking straight into a heavy fog, everything was white and I could just about make out some contures ofthe world around me, but that went away again luckily enough. I just have had surgery for strabimus.
Today we went to the hospital and I got to change into an ultrasexy robe and some kind of strange hospital stockings that keeps falling down as soon you move the slightest or even shoot a glance at them. I then got a needle in my hand and some painkillers to take,
sephreniamusic and her stepmother kept me company while I sat on the bunk waiting for my turn, there was a tiny baby who also were there to have some kind of surgery and they also got in one emergency. The poor little baby was crying, he was probably hungry and couldn't understand why he wasn't fed. I understood that but it made my head ache worse that I gotten from not had anything to eat and drink, but when I told a nurse about it she started a drip in the needle I already had in my hand and I felt better.
Then my company had to leave because they were also starting to feel sick from not eating and we figured they probably wouldn't get a drip even if they for some reason had wanted one. I solved some crossword puzzles when they had left and pretty soon it was my turn. They rolled me into a pre-room of the theater and since it was narrow a nurse held my hand I walked the last bit to the table, I lay down on it and they hanged up my drip bag and took my blood pressure and fastened heart monitors and stuff on me. I then got some sedative, some painkillers and something against nausea in my needle, the talked to me and I tried to answer, then they held the mask in front of my face, we still chatted and then I woke up in another room with a sore eye, I learned later that I gotten out of bed wandering around asking for my sister, they called her on her mobile I think, I don't remember this but I remember her showing up and me being happy to see her. I got some tea to drink with the sandwich we brought it was delicious I also got some nice cucumber I found on a tray.
sephreniamusic drove me to the car in a wheel chair and we went home. Before her stepmother dropped us off at home they noticed that I had been bleeding from my eye so my cheek had quite a blood stain on it, so she called back to the hospital to check if it was anything to worry about.
They called back and explained that such bleeding is uncommon but it's nothing to worry about and sent a prescription to the pharmacy for an eye salve since my is bothering me quite a bit.
sephreniamusic is downtown getting it for me and I sit at home in the sofa still a bit unsteady on my feet but I will drink some, eat some, use the salve and then take a nap and will probably feel all better afterwards.