97% humidity?!?!?!?!?!??!? AUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 11, 2003 23:21

So I haven't updated in a few days, mostly because I've been pretty swamped with one thing and another. My recent flurry of job interviews and such haven't yielded any real hits...one of the jobs ended up being WAYYYYYYYYY (try half what I made in Boston) below my acceptable salary range, and the other one had a low salary (try a little more than half what I made, but not much more), plus there are mandatory Saturdays with little chance to get them off. Since I made a promise to myself that THIS TIME I WASN'T GOING TO SELL MYSELF SHORT, I'm taking a deep breath, and saying "no". I've had two hell on earth jobs, I owe it to myself to find something that is at least M-F, with a salary such that tenner can afford to go part time (assuming he is still working after this Friday). To that end, this evening I sent off a few more resumes, contacted a few friends I have at local companies, and I'm planning on going to the RPI CDC (Career Development Center) this week as well. It will happen, I just have to have faith.

In other stuff, two of my friends and former co-workers at hell have very good job prospects...today both of them contacted me to ask me to be references for them. Cross your fingers for them...

tenner has been pretty ill all weekend, so I spent much of this weekend making soup for him, buying medications, reading materials, et cetera. (I also unpacked most of our books...things are really shaping up!) He's doing slightly better and will be heading off to work tomorrow, only to go to his physical tomorrow night. That's good though...

Whew...I am DRAINED! All the nursing, informational interviewing (I had one this morning) and unpacked has left me pretty tired. Hopefully the humidity will pass soon...this muggy air feels so stagnant and stifling.

Later, dudes.
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