Feb 04, 2010 23:35
.... did I mention that my boss at one of the pools, when I called to tell her I couldn't be at class so I could have the MD could check it out, told me she knew exactly what it would be.
It seems they are having lots of people, PT patients, instructors, and more, who have mysterious rashes from the warmer pool. They thought it was a pool chemical change thing and then contacted the CDC to make sure-- apparently it is supposedly a more benign winter anomaly rash thing with no known origin.
Which if it were a person with a normal immune system, I might not have to go to the MD either, but even if this is the cause obviously mine is completely out of control.
NOT TO MENTION, I am really kind of pissed that it took until I called in and said I was having an issue for me to know that the as a department we have been seeing lots of incidences and struggling with it via the pool.
I can understand they don't want to unnecessarily freak out the population over something benign, but they could at least tell the instructors as a heads up.
PLUS for people like me with immune issues (and mine is even acting reasonable the past few years in comparison), I would rather know in advance so I can make the choice of whether I want to risk it or not. Because I know once I do catch something, it can definitely take the unusual bad turn of events. Grrr.....
in the interim I told her I could do my second class that day, but from the deck. My stuff may be unrelated but I certainly don't want to complicate it either way.