Aug 14, 2004 22:32
i am so0 bored! last night me mikey and martin went to see alien vs. predator. it was okay... considering i usually don't see like those kind oF movies. it wasn't that bad though. i had practice today froM 10-1 (1:16 according to jamie) and it was hoT as hell! most of us practiced in our sports bras and it was soO gay cause cars would drive by and honK... soO gay! I was lookinG forward all practice to going out with cameron afteR... but he never called and ended up going to dinner with his faM. soO i ended going to the mall with the rentS. but cam... if you are readinG this... nO... i am noT mad at you! i have practice agaiN tomorrow but its with padE... agh! at least we'll get to toucH the ball! today it was with matt (speed trainer) and mike (silly jamaican guy aka assistant coach). it was hard and hot as hell! we got to touch the ball a little buT it felt soO wierd! well im going to hit the hay [on my new bedding i got tonight!!] for practice tomorrow morninG.... the practice from hell with padE.