i am a product of the system

Oct 18, 2004 16:23

How common are palfreypaladin's interests
Universal books (187437)
chocolate (102771)
love (202920)
piercings (101600)
rain (113334)
reading (352824)
sex (163742)
stars (115134)
tattoos (111695)
writing (351052)

Popular candles (73146)
family (61468)
hugs (69430)
kissing (87723)
sarcasm (51291)
sleep (74482)
talking (86087)

Common a perfect circle (40585)
angels (22309)
boots (18500)
crying (20087)
darkness (22680)
donnie darko (49913)
eyeliner (43492)
faeries (27900)
flying (13962)
glitter (38098)
god (46819)
green (28813)
hippies (10312)
holding hands (20563)
horses (35203)
incense (15992)
lips (16464)
long hair (12729)
magick (13975)
opera (12249)
paganism (18357)
peace (28787)
pearl jam (19363)
people watching (10632)
rainbows (25370)
religion (29235)
storms (18970)
tears (11453)
the moon (16168)
the shins (15300)
theater (25795)
thrift stores (30063)
thunder (11018)
tori amos (43852)
trees (22026)
truth (16299)
unicorns (11747)
vegetarianism (19427)
witchcraft (14856)
words (14931)
you (32170)

Specialist 80's rock (1315)
alanis (1154)
alanis morissette (8270)
apathy (3351)
astral projection (2965)
cynicism (6490)
earrings (7300)
escapism (1473)
fog (3913)
forests (8804)
goddess (3436)
guns n' roses (5279)
holden caulfield (1355)
hot chocolate (9699)
in flames (8889)
j.d. salinger (4752)
lava lamps (5314)
leonard cohen (5513)
nightmares (5559)
orange juice (7539)
pancakes (4341)
playing in the rain (3125)
puddles (1885)
rush (6774)
seduction (3473)
spoken word (2489)
summerland (2699)
the cranberries (7486)
the hours (1818)
the princess bride (9999)
theology (9684)
wal-mart (3287)
what dreams may come (1164)
whipped cream (4907)
willow (4037)
witches (8531)

Unusual bad dreams (119)
blackberries (623)
bralessness (12)
buttermilk pancakes (11)
buttery nipples (106)
caffeine free (44)
casual sex (681)
contradiction (698)
crepes (865)
driving in the rain (179)
feast on scraps (30)
flapjacks (99)
g strings (167)
gregory peck (733)
house of pies (75)
jagged little pill (167)
lame jokes (318)
lizzie borden (233)
lucas (549)
my teddy bear (271)
old vw bugs (13)
pure bliss (12)
scrying (540)
so-called chaos (34)
softlips (200)
supposed former infatuation junkie (79)
the dollar store (273)
the tree of life (60)
under rug swept (68)
white cheddar cheez-its (40)

Rare ♥ing lucas (1)
abbie on the road (1)
are you still mad (2)
can't not (6)
china/all/the/way/to/ny (1)
clarity of thought (8)
dimlightbulb's fuzzy boobs (1)
extreme awareness of self (1)
giving & receiving oral (1)
i ♥ lucas (1)
janie in the air (1)
making/people/vomit/with/cuteness (2)
my '69 bug convertible (1)
my boyfriend johnny depp (2)
my tree of life (1)
nero's rome (1)
raspberry muffin (2)
right through you (3)
sex with lucas (1)
sharp tongues (6)
thank u (5)
to-kill-ya (1)
tradition of nontraditionalism (1)
witty wit (1)

Yes, yes.
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