Title: "La Petite Mort"
Fandom: Orphan Black
Pairing: Delphine Cormier/Cosima Niehaus
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 297
Spoilers: 1x10
Note: Be warned, I write in a very nonlinear manner, so this might be weird format-wise. Oh and it’s kinda angsty. Enjoy.
Gunshots and screams of “run” can be heard throughout the building.
It has been a month since the clones had found out they were RESTRICTED INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY.
A month since Kira had gone missing and thankfully found safely with Felix.
Three weeks since you went undercover, working on a cure for Cosima.
Ma Cherie.
The plan to infiltrate the lab did not, how you say, go as planned?
You and Cosima. Sarah and Paul.
You are running from Leekie and his lackeys, finally figuring out your disloyalty.
I am on your side now.
You’re getting tired. The others a few strides ahead of you.
You don’t realize you’ve made it back to the car until is speeds off into the night.
You were surprised to see Cosima when she bursts into the lab at the Dyad institute.
“We have to go. Now!”
She shouldn’t be here.
You’ve been in the car for only five minutes.
Cosima never once lets go of your hand, your free hand.
Not the one holding your side.
You’ve already got your doctorate in immunology, don’t you?
Dr. Delphine Cormier.
I’m sick, Delphine.
Cosima must notice that you haven’t said a word; she cups your face.
“I am so sorry, ma Cherie”
Your hand is covered in blood.
When you first started monitoring her, it was just about the science.
I wasn’t supposed to fall for you.
Tears are streaming down her face, streaming down your face.
Fine. “You’re going to be fine,” she keeps repeating.
Non. But she will.
I just wanna make like crazy science with you.
It’s been three weeks since you went undercover, working on a cure for Cosima.
And you found one.