Мастера акварели: Barbara Nechis

Jan 20, 2015 11:18

Barbara Nechis - волшебная художница из Америки. Акварель безумно многогранна и абстрактные работы акварелистки тому подтверждение. В них мало четких линий, отсутствуют какие-либо объекты и предметы, растворяются миры и реальность. Но какие же они воздушные, объемные, летящие, похожие на шелк, развевающуюся ткань, листву, веточки, волны..!

Барбара Нечис - художница, которая разработала стиль, известный своим мастерским балансом спонтанности и контроля акварельной кисти.

"Pleistocene" (22"x30")

"Blue mood" (15″ x 22″)
Она имеет степень бакалавра в области истории и изобразительного искусства (the University of Rochester) и степень магистра (Alfred University). На протяжении многих лет Барбара преподавала в парсонской школе дизайна (Parsons School of Design) и проводила семинары в Институте Пратта, по всей Северной Америке, Европе и Азии.

"Illusion rock and water" (15″ x 22″)
Барбара работала в качестве присяжного заседателя и директора в Американском обществе акварели, является автором книг "Watercolor from the heart" (Watson-Guptill publications, 1993) и "Watercolor the creative experience" (North light books, 1979).

"Floral edge" (15″ x 22″)
Ее работы встречаются во многих публикациях и коллекциях, среди них батлерский институт американского искусства, IBM и Citicorp. Она живет в долине Напа в Северной Калифорнии.

"River" (15″ x 22″)
Избранные выставки:
- American Watercolor Society
- National Academy of Design, NYC
- World Watermedia Exposition, Ratchadamnoen Contemporary Art Center, Bangkok, Thailand 2014
- International Invitational Watermedia Exhibition, Jiangsu Provence Art Museum, Nanjing, China 2012, 2010 and 2007
- National Society of Painters in Casein and Acrylic
- Hudson River Museum
- The Katonah Museum
- Lincoln Center, NYC
- Sarah Lawrence College
- Tweed Museum, MN
- Allied Artists of NY
- The National Arts Club, NYC
- Manhattanville College, Purchase, NY
- Audubon Artists, NYC
- Mainstreams, Marietta College, Ohio
- NY Society of Illustrators
- Purdue University, IN
- Willamette University, Salem, OR
- Northern Arizona University Art Gallery, Flagstaff, AZ
- Wm Zimmer Gallery, Mendocino, CA
- F. Dorian Gallery, San Francisco
- Napa Valley Museum, Bard College, NY, Sterling Vineyards, Clos Pegase Winery

"Blowing in the wind" (15″ x 22″)

"Red and yellow" (12"x 16")
Избранные коллекции:
- Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, Ohio
- Citicorp
- Banco de Crefisul, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Slater Memorial Museum, Norwich, CT
- Westinghouse
- Peat, Marwick, Mitchell, White Plains, NY
- First National City Bank, NYC
- McGraw Hill, NYC
- Margrit Biever Mondavi, Napa Valley, CA
- The Napa Valley Heritage Foundation

"Alpine mood" (12"x 16")
Член жюри (выбранный список):
- American Watercolor Society
- National Watercolor Society, awards juror
- Transparent Watercolor Society of America
- Watercolor West
- Oregon Watercolor Society
- Alabama Watercolor Society Exhibition, Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts
- Arizona Aqueous XVII, Tubac Center for the Arts
- New England Watercolor Society national exhibit
- Sierra Watercolor Society, Nevada Museum of Art, Reno
- South Carolina Watermedia Society
- Niagara Frontier Watercolor Society national exhibition
- Georgia Watercolor Society national exhibition
- Southwestern Watercolor Society
- St. Louis Artists Guild multimedia exhibition
- Hawaiian Watercolor Society
- Western Federation of Watercolor Societies, Art Museum of S. Texas, Corpus Christi (co-juror Millard Sheets) Albuquerque Museum
- Whatcom Museum of History & Art Northwest International Art Competition Bellingham (co-juror Howard Fox)
- National Arts Club
- Audubon Artists
- San Diego Watercolor Society International Exhibition (co-juror Keith Crown)

"Yosemite falls"
- Elected to Membership: American Watercolor Society in 1979, Philadelphia Watercolor Club, Audubon Artists, Artists Equity, NYC Board of Directors, 1978-1981)
- Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolour (US representative and panelist)
- Finalist, Roy Acuff Chair Professorship of Excellence in the Center for the Creative Arts, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville TN.
- Guest Demonstrator: American Watercolor Society (National Academy of Design) and National Watercolor Society

"Yosemite autumn" (22"x30")
Книги и публикации:
- Watercolor From The Heart: techniques for painting the essence of nature
- Barbara Nechis, Watson-Guptill, ISBN 0-8230-1624-2, 1993
- Watercolor The Creative Experience
- North Light Publishers, 1979, ISBN 0- 89134-021-1, hard cover, 0-89134-066-1, paperback
- Masters of Watercolor from classic to contemporary by Konstantin Sterkhov, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2014
- World Watermedia Exposition, Thailand 2014
- Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary International Watermedia Masters, Jiangsu Watercolor Research Institute, 2007, 2010 and 2012
- American Artist Magazine, Watercolor 20th Anniversary Issue, 20 Great Teachers by M Stephen Doherty and Beth Patterson, Fall 2006
- The Artist’s Muse: Unlock the Door to Your Creativity, Betsy Dillard Stroud, North Light Books, 2006
- Watercolor Magic, Taking Your Art to the Next Level: Tales from the Best to Help you Be Your Best by Cathy Johnson, April, 2004
- Watercolor Magic, The Spring of Creativity by Betsy Dillard Stroud, May, 2003
- Association for Humanistic Psychology, website featured artist, May 2002- ongoing
- The Collected Best of Watercolor, Rockport Publishers, 2002
- The Palette Magazine, Barbara Nechis finding nature in abstraction, featured article by Christopher Schink issue #1, April 2002
- Hong Kong Watercolour, Hong Kong Water Colour Research Society Co.Ltd. Invited American guest, 2001
- American Artist Magazine, The Watercolor Page, Special Issue, Studios, Kathleen Baxter, Associate Editor, November 2000
- Landscape-A comprehensive Guide to Drawing and Painting Nature, Richard McDaniel, Watson-Guptill, 1997
- Best of Watercolor-Painting Light and Shadow, Rockport Publishers, 1997
- Creative Watercolor, Mary Ann Beckwith, Rockport Publishers, 199
- Strengthen Your Paintings with Dynamic Composition, Frank Webb
- North Light, 1994
- Learn Watercolor the Edgar Whitney Way, Ron Ranson, North Light 1994
- American Artist, Watercolor, Recent Images, Recent Concerns, M. Stephen Doherty, (interview with six artists), Fall Issue, 1993
- Splash 2, Rachel Ward, North Light, 1992
- Transparent Painting Techniques, Julia Jordan, Watson-Guptill, 1992
- American Artist, 50th anniversary article Chrystallizing Experience, Mary Carroll Nelson, Feb 1987, Experiences of 26 artists chosen from 2,500 featured artists
- Artists Video Productions, Barbara Nechis Videocassette, 1986
- Design and Composition, North Light Art School, Book IV, 1986
- Color, North Light Art School , Book V, 1986
- Exploring Color, Nita Leland, North Light, 1985
- Watercolor Energies, Frank Webb, North Light, 1983
- Artist in Residence, American Artist, May 1983
- Painting Flowers with Watercolor, Ethel Todd George, North Light, 1980
- New York Graphic Society, Barbara Nechis Watercolors, published 1979, 81, 84

"Norway" (30"x40")
*** В интернете есть несколько слов о творчестве Барбары, но они на английском. Приведу их в оригинале, так как времени на перевод пока что нет (в будущем он обязательно появится) ***

The art of Barbara Nechis reflects the rhythms of life in a manner both primal and sensitive. Her artistic vision, one that goes to the core of what creativity and being an artist true to oneself is, first struck a chord with the public when "Watercolor the creative experience" was published in 1979. By the time "Watercolor from the heart" was published in 1993 she was well into her own personal artistic journey.

She has termed her style of painting "abstract realism," but the actual essence and power of her work lies in her ability to reign over the chaos and mystery that watercolor itself, as a substance, likes to create while taking the evolving image to it's logical or illogical completion.

As teacher and author, Barbara encourages her students to trust in their instincts, and quells their fears about the process of finding one's own creative voice through watercolor painting. A true believer in "follow your bliss," it eventually led her 3000 miles from the bustle of the city to land gently in the heart of California's Napa Valley wine country where her studio rests amidst the rolling vineyards.

"Мои формы полностью абстрактны, делающие в сочетании что-то реалистичное."

"Beyond the ridge" watercolor, india ink and sumi-e ink on Fabriano rough paper (22"x30")
Although her studio rests in an idyllic setting, Barbara herself is busy painting and teaching, using the studio as the base of all her activities. Her own artistic interests started early. As a little girl growing up in Mt. Vernon, New York, Barbara enjoyed early support for her artistic endeavors. "My mother encouraged it (drawing and painting) and I had paints when I was about 4 years old." she recalls.

By the time she was in 4th grade, she was the member of an after school oil painting club. "My elementary school art teacher was a serious artist with a studio. She was instrumental in creating a real studio (more like a loft than a classroom) in our school."

With Manhattan 30 minutes away, she grew up with ready access to New York's great museums where she experienced first hand the images and objects of history. In school she developed a strong interest in history, art, and photography.

Both her high school and college teachers were members of the American Watercolor Society. She remembers first being "seduced" by the magic of watercolor while watching a classmate flow a wet-in-wet wash onto the paper. It reminded her of the "softer world" she enjoyed seeing before getting glasses as a kid.

"Я никогда не хотела рисовать как Ed Whitney или Carl Molno, хоть и училась с ними много лет."

After graduating with a BA in History and Fine Arts from the University of Rochester followed by an MS from Alfred University, she started teaching private art classes in 1966. When she "found three people who knew less than I did" she started teaching art classes while her 3 month old napped.

In the late 60's through the mid-70's she took classes with the infamous Edgar Whitney, leading to her turning point in watercolor painting. A favorite story of that time concerns how in her impatience to get to painting, she tended to jump the gun in class and start painting immediately without always doing the customary preliminary sketching and value studies. Watching her one day, Mr. Whitney, realizing she really could draw, exclaimed, "You draw with your brush!"

"It is easier to make your own statement."

Barbara Nechis discovered how to use watercolor loosely and freely in the fresh light of creativity. She can coax images, hints, shadows and form from the creative process itself. To learn to do this she first took the time to learn the methods and processes that were working for her teachers.

Like most artists in training she learned to design, compose, make value sketches, and finally put paint to paper with a finished goal in mind. But she quickly grew weary of painting to a specific predetermined payoff. She likes to relay the artistic truism, "Goals are for football players."

The turning point in her artistic career occurred when Barbara "began to experience form instead of things" and "chose to try to paint the landscape so that it would clearly evoke real images in the viewer without the distraction of extraneous detail."

As far as watercolor's attraction, Barbara says "I was always attracted to its ethereal look," and the physical working properties of the medium are key to her philosophy and her success. "I work mostly in watercolor because it insists upon creativity. I do not have to think of anything first, just begin and it creates problems that need solving."

As for her influences, Gustav Klimt comes up as a personal favorite “for his use of small shapes to add up to bigger shapes”, and she thanks her teacher/friend Carl Molno for introducing her to the works of the likes of Milton Avery and Arthur Dove for the way they used color and shape.

Teaching has always been a large part of her life. Barbara became a faculty member of the Parsons School of Design in 1982, teaching there for 12 years before her career led her to northern California. She seems to get as much out of teaching as she gives. For herself "teaching helps me clarify my thought process," and as an empathetic teacher, "I also love to recognize an "early me" in hungry students, recognize their process and hopefully help them save time by avoiding some of the pits I fell into."

"I allow myself to respond to the entire experience of nature."

Her work appears in Watercolor Energies (North Light Books, 1983) and Strengthen Your Paintings with Dynamic Composition (North Light Books, 1994,) by Frank Webb. Her paintings are also found in books by Ron Ranson, Richard McDaniel, and Nita Leland; and in Splash 2: Watercolor Breakthroughs
(North Light Books, 1993). Barbara has frequently been featured in American Artist, The Palette, and Watercolor Magic magazines. Watercolor from Within: Transparent Layering (Creative Catalyst Productions, 2009) is her latest DVD.

"Question everything you have been taught."

You can find the paintings of Barbara Nechis in museums and collections worldwide including the Butler Institute of American Art; Banco de Crefisul; IBM; the Slater Memorial Museum; CBS; Margrit Biever Mondavi, Napa Valley, CA; and The Napa Valley Heritage Foundation. She continues to be a popular juror and has juried shows for the American Watercolor Society, National Watercolor Society, Transparent Watercolor Society of America, Watercolor West, New England Watercolor Society, and Oregon Watercolor Society.

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