Small corner of the roof, Tuesday Afternoon

Mar 04, 2008 19:19

Naminé was sitting on the roof with her sketchpad. It was safer there. She didn't want to start singing today.

If she did she might end up telling Valentine the truth. It was winding down. There was a clock over her head, and its ticking was growing louder. It would be soon. She knew that. She didn't know how she knew, but she did.

Not tomorrow or the day after. But she was running low on time. He should know. She couldn't tell him; he didn't want to know. But he deserved to know. And which of those trumped she couldn't say. And maybe she didn't want to hear it yet because she was angry and scared and tired of fearing what she couldn't ever put off.

She didn't even want to think about that now, which was why she was sitting on the roof and drawing on one of the last pages left blank in her sketchpad. Nearly empty now. Dammit.

There was music swelling, but it wasn't what she expected, it was ... exciting and wrapping around her and calming all at once. The words slipping out weren't ones she recognized as her own.

Drink up, baby doll
Mmm, are you in or are you out?

She grinned and started scribbling more.

Leave your things behind
You won't need them where you're going
Excuse me, too busy, drawing your tragedy
These mishaps, you bubble-wrap, when
You have no idea what you're like

Adding a tree. Maybe the tree should have a tongue sticking out.

So let go, so let go, jump in,
Oh, well, what you waiting for?
It's all right,
'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown
So let go, so let go, just get in
It's so amazing here
It's all right
'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown

She started to tear the filled pages out of her sketchpad. They were just sitting there in the dark, not a good place for them, was it? Sketches needed light.

It gains the more it gives
And then it rises with the fall
So hand me that schedule
Can't you see all that stuff's a sideshow?

Folding them over, little origami cranes and paper planes.

Such boundless pleasure
We've no time for later
Waiting for your own arrival
You've twenty seconds to comply

Little notes and names on them. Kairi. Sora. Riku. Valentine. Sokka. Dōjima. Cassandra. Lumiere. Memories, hearts, and experiences, all her own.

So let go, so let go, jump in,
Oh, well, what you waiting for?
It's all right,
'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown
So let go, so let go, just get in
It's so amazing here
It's all right
'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown

She gathered them all in her hands and threw them off the roof. They hovered, waiting, and then as one grew wings and soared off into the sky.

She smiled, watching them until the violins faded out and they blinked out of sight.

(Open, if anyone wants to chatter to Naminé. My apologies to Frou Frou, whose track I mildly bastardized.)

jamie, sora, time is running out, sketching, oddities of fandom

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