There was a room, in purest white, with thirteen chairs all in a circle. The seats for the chairs were far, far above the ground, but to those who could travel through Darkness, such things did not matter. Some of the chairs were empty. In the rest sat men in matching pure-black cloaks. Although they themselves would perhaps quibble with the word 'men': after all, they weren't human.
And in the highest chair sat the Superior.
"Tell me," he said. "What is this news of yours?"
One of the hooded figures - the one known as Number Three - spoke. "We've found an ... anomaly. A place where a number of portals are originating."
The Superior leaned forward slightly, the only sign that he was intrigued by this news. "Portals?"
Another figure leaned back in his own chair. "D'you suppose it's Axel?"
"It could be," said the first once more. "Or perhaps we've found Riku."
"Or a powerful Nobody we haven't encountered yet," mused another. "Someone we could use."
"You've done well, Xaldin," said the Superior with a nod. "Go. Find this location. Report back at once."
(OOC: NFI, NFB, but OOC is welcome. And thus, it begins.)