
Jan 31, 2011 18:04

 i just don't know what to do. like right now. alone, stuck, you name it. it's funny when i just got another anonymous message telling me how i write poorly. i never claim that i'm good in writing. writing has always been such a difficult thing to accomplish since i took academic writing. i know i'm not good at it. i just.. don't know why would someone, anyone cares how suck puspa can be in writing. when does this become someone's personal interest? i feel a little bit offended.
today i feel awful since i have this guilty feeling. i can't talk to anyone except few people i really trust. i just want to listen music and deal with things i need to deal with. aside of the guilty feeling, this constant headache really hurts me. it comes and goes as it likes. in such critical time. i need to make myself swallow couple painkillers to stop the pain. this sucks.
yeah, this sucks, that sucks, everything sucks. what does not suck?
and i'm well aware that i totally suck. yay for anonymous person.


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