A Brand New Blog.. But not much to say...

May 04, 2005 10:00

Well, this is merely my first post, so deal with it if it's not all that informative.  :)

Started out as a shitty morning because of a photo I saw on the news.  I vehemently hate this war.  I'm tired of seeing family members crying over the loss of a loved one who was sent to war, or killed in a terrorist bombing, or killed by military personnel.  It's all such crap.  A certain leader of a certain country, ahem, needs to get over his penis envy of his ex-friend and his ex-friend's  former country....

OK.. 'Nuff of that...

On a lighter note:  I am head over heels in love with the most wonderful man in the entire world!  And guess what? He's gonna marry me in June!  I can't wait.  It's gonna be the happiest day of my life!  hehe

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