Signal Boost - Share Your Christmas . . .

Dec 23, 2011 12:35

Here in the 'States, I know lots of folks will be re-gifting this year. Here's a thought: Re-gift to someone who lost _everything_ on March 11, and hasn't got so much as a roof of their own still:

"Share Your Christmas" is accepting rewrapped gifts with a first name and age on them, which will tell them who the gift will be appropriate for. The gifts will be passed along to the Tohoku region of Japan which was shattered by the earthquake and tsunami of March 11, 20ll, and given to people of the same age and sex as the donor.

And the whaling fleet won't want to divert clothing and toys for the "security" of their mission. (Sorry, Japan, I do love you, but. . . the reported diversion of funds contributed for earthquake/tsunami/nuclear meltdown relief to protect the whaling fleet rather irked me.) Financial donations are being accepted through the site, if that's the way you'd like to contribute - they will be folded in thirds, inserted into envelopes and given to the children of Tohoku as "otoshidama".

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