Snapshot - Phoenix's Training

Oct 02, 2011 23:54

Felaion (VOLKS SD13 "Irvin") has been summoned from his mother's ancestral home in West Africa to re-train Phoenix (VOLKS SD16 "Olivia Morgan") in the skills of a Magick user. She'd been causing trouble with some of the powers-that-be, which caused them to seek Felaion's skill as a teacher. This has not pleased him, so far . . . . (A tale which I hope to attend to in more detail in what will undoubtedly be a rather out-of-order fashion!) Phoenix, on the other hand, while she's thrilled that a creature as exotic as a dark-forest Elf has come into her world, is considerably _less_ thrilled that he considers himself essentially her babysitter...

Felaion: "In fact, it is far too early in your training to introduce you to such things, but since it grows here, the danger of you knowing what I'm about to tell you pales alongside the danger of your _not_ knowing it."
Phoenix: "I don't understand all this - you're treating me as though I'd never cast a spell! I've done..."
Felaion: "Hush, girl! I know full well what 'you've done', and better than you know yourself! What 'you've done' has unbalanced the fabric of time!"

Felaion: "As you know, some herbs can be found in the wilds, and some will grow in the gardens. This place is - somewhere in between. There are plants here which can become medicinal herbs, and some which can be used to flavor a meal . . . "

" . . . and there are some which, if they are not respected properly, can be instantly deadly. One of those is in bloom as the days grow short, and you need to know it - if only because I cannot watch you at _every_single_ moment, as you so deserve."

Phoenix: "Hey! Here's a pretty blue flower!"
Felaion: "_This_ is why you are so much trouble, child! Your 'pretty blue flower' is death!"
Phoenix, shocked: "Hunh?"

Felaion: "Your scientists call this bloom 'Acontium', your gardeners 'monk's hood' after its form. In the past, however, your people knew another use of it, and called it 'wolf's bane'. That, of course, is not its sole property or use. For now, you must only know that it is one of the deadliest poisons known, and that you are to _stay_away_from_it_!!!!! Do you understand?!"

Just a quick peek . . .

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