This is something I wrote for Scribe on Live Journal back in February
lj_scribe . The prompt was Down the valley, past the river, near the field where nothing grew. I have just realised I never posted it on my own journal so here is a little something different..........
The girl with the grey dress on;
Down the valley, past the river, near the field where nothing grew
Where the shadows stretched and the moon never shines through,
Here is where she lays, the girl with the grey dress on
She lies where no one can see her, and her life is gone.
The soil on top is heavy and body stirs no more, but the girl... she lingers on.
Down the valley, past the river, near the field where nothing grew
Her life was taken, without a reason, cut short before she knew.
No more to hold her mother tight, nor sit at her father’s knee.
No more to shout at her brother that she is better than he.
Taken by another who thought his deed was done, but the girl... she lingers on.
Down the valley, past the river, near the field where nothing grew
He showed a violent nature, and left his mark on her, stealing innocence in lieu.
For a girl who wouldn’t hurt a fly, she now wants so much more
To show the man who gave to her, the hatred in her core
She should be moving on, finding shades of peace, but the girl... she lingers on.
Down the valley, past the river, near the field where nothing grew
There is the sound of walking, a man the girl once knew
He comes to the place that knows him, that speaks to him in verse
Then the girl, who is no more, takes his life in recompense for hers
And now that girl sleeps peacefully, for repaying what was done... and finally she lingers on no more.
Down the valley, past the river, near the field where nothing grew
Where no one goes no more, there is man who cannot be seen....but whose spirit lingers forever more.