Jul 27, 2008 21:45
The walls of the yurt (well, actually a ger) is almost done, the tono (central wheel) is almost done, iow in a couple of days at most I'll be able to sew the cover (canvas only for now, the felt will probably have to wait). Then impregnation against rain, and life will be good.
Apart from the tono all wood is home cut (mostly aspen, that is what I have an abundance of), and it feels like if will turn out quite sturdy. Regarding the tono I'll have to make up my mind soon; do I make a normal (modern) center with minimal rise, or a earlier high style that can accommodate an open fire (allowing the creation of a venturi effect to draw out smoke)? Unless I can som up with a good reason not to it will be the higher style; I can always redo it later if I decide I'm unhappy with this version.