At home the answer is generally easy; a knife-block or a magnetic strip on the wall. But when transporting them? You can buy an expensive bag, which may or may not actually keep them from cutting things. There is another solution. Make a scabbard from wood.
Then you can pack them anywhere where they won't be rattled around too much.
And they are quite easy to make.
- Take thin pine boards (i.e. cheap), and draw an outline of the blade,
- Use a chisel to remove wood inside the lines (I also use a router plane to clean it out, but that is not nessesary).
- Check often, to make sure that your knife fits, and use a ruler to make sure the hollowed out space is deep enoght (place the knife in the hollow: does the ruler clear the blade?).
- Cut out with about 4-6 mm clearance around the hollow
- Glue to another piece of the same pine board
- Cut, carve, rasp, plane, even sand if you must, until you have a nice scabbard.
- If you want symmetry you can thin down the piece that wasn't hollowed out, but it is not strictly nessesary for function.
Done! Any decorations -- chip carving, paint, etc -- are totally optional, but if you want to you can let your imgination run wild. If one wanted one could add a simple catch.
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