Scientist Union Intelligence Ministry Informational Manual
Chapter 3: Torture and Torture Resistance
Every Intelligence Agent, regardless of mission status, must face the possibility of capture and torture. Even Agents stationed inside the Union underground may be captured. (For more information on successful and attempted incursions into underground Union territories and the consequences thereof, please see Special Briefing 21A.) This is why individual agents undergo specialized training in simulated capture and torture. Each agent must know hir strengths, weaknesses, and tactics most likely to coerce into divulging classified information. Our instructors then teach agents how to overcome and work around these obstacles, while learning how to resist torture and evade or escape capture
[Excerpted text.]
The Zyretan Council runs a secret special ops program, known internally as the Scienti, dedicated to converting, capturing, detaining, and extracting information from Scientist personnel. They have their own team of scientists and technicians-some secretly trained in Pre-Fall scientific knowledge and techniques, others actually successful converts or double agents-who reverse engineer weapons and other technology captured or recovered from our agents and the Scientist Union Military Defense Forces. To the best of our knowledge they have mastered basic truth serums, slow acting poisons, hallucinogenic drugs, and an array of substances targeting the pain and pleasure centers of the brain. Thus, all agents will be exposed to and trained in coping with and resisting all known Zyretan drugs.
Sensory deprivation and overload are also favored by Zyretan special ops researchers and the Zyretan secret police. However, our best intel has demonstrated time and time again they have only limited technology in this regard and rely primarily on sensory deprivation tanks and single-sense overloads. We will train agents on all known techniques and any foreseeable variations.
[Excerpted text.]
The safety of our agents if our foremost concern. All capture and torture survival and resistance training will be fully monitored by our top combat Psychologists and Medical Doctors. Our 360°, 3-D bioscanner will support and monitor all agents during training to ensure agent health and safety and gather data on physiological responses. . . .
Master Post |
Chapter 10