And Hell Has No Purchase (SPN Fic, PG-13)

Jun 12, 2010 11:50

Title: And Hell Has No Purchase
Author: paleogymnast
Fandom/Genre: Supernatural, Gen, Futurefic, Character Study
Characters: Sam Winchester, others (5.22 spoilers) highlight: mentions of Michael, Lucifer, Dean Winchester, Cas
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,297
Warnings: none to speak of aside from major spoilers for 5.22
Spoilers: Up through 5.22
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pg-13, characterstudy, gen, sam'spov, futurefic, post5.22'verse, fic

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Comments 21

etoile444 June 12 2010, 20:28:16 UTC
I couldn't agree with your ideas more! Sam and Dean figured out what the angels could not. Perhaps this is the key to Sam's freedom, Hell can't hold him, he is the special case. Lovely character study.

I especially liked: Around him Michael and Lucifer fight. Michael is angry, in pain, his fury at being stuck in Hell burns so bright the sun would shy away. Lucifer is more subdued, reflective. But he’s still angry and frustrated and derives too much pleasure from Michael sharing his plight.

Sam wishes they would listen, could see that down here they cause their own pain. He wishes they could see...


paleogymnast June 12 2010, 20:43:21 UTC
Thanks, and thank you for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed this. I think the Winchesters' biggest area of growth was finally realizing that they did and could know more and understand more than the angels who were supposed to be so all-powerful. It took them a very long time to figure things out, but I think they did in the end. Even, and perhaps especially Sam, who finally got through all his issues and hangups and rage and self-loathing and regret and co-dependency and finally did something because *he* could and *he* wanted to, and in doing so, he found peace. :)


etoile444 June 12 2010, 20:51:26 UTC
This is how i see it too, and you captured it here. Sam and Dean know more than the angels and are stronger for it. That's what broke Lucifer.


paleogymnast June 12 2010, 20:56:23 UTC
Glad someone else sees it the same way. :D I've read so many post-5.22 fics that I felt kind of missed the whole point, I just had to write this. :D Thank you for reading!


mimblexwimble June 12 2010, 21:43:33 UTC
I love this! It's a very interesting idea, that Sam finds peace in hell because he is at peace with himself and everything that has happened. Great job!


paleogymnast June 12 2010, 21:53:32 UTC
Aw, thank you for reading!! :D I'm glad you loved it!! :D I just have a hard time seeing hell having any kind of effect on Sam when he was so at peace with his decision.


starmage2 June 12 2010, 22:54:19 UTC
I love the idea and how hell isn't a punishment for Sam.♥


paleogymnast June 12 2010, 22:56:17 UTC
Thank you for reading and for your lovely comment! :D I'm glad you like the idea!! :D


borgmama1of5 June 13 2010, 00:26:08 UTC
What an optimistic coda! I do agree that Sam matured more in those last few minutes before falling into Hell than in his entire life prior.


paleogymnast June 13 2010, 00:31:30 UTC
I would totally agree with you there. It's like all the character growth in the entire series for Sam happened *right then.* It's optimistic, sure, but there's gotta be something to it--a soul in hell doesn't actually have a physical body to torture, it's all consciousness and psychological presence, and if you're totally at peace with yourself like Sam seemed to be, it's interesting to think about how different that would be for the experience.

And see, I told you they got less depressing! :D


(The comment has been removed)

paleogymnast June 13 2010, 02:46:41 UTC
I swear, Sam kind of languished in a permanent state of moral immaturity until the last oh sixty seconds and then it was like *bingo* the lights went on and he *got* it. Took frakking forever, but he really did seem to finally clue in.

So glad kitty is fascinated, and likes it even after having beta'd it. Aren't you glad I'm *finally* getting these up??? *hugs* Thanks so much for reading and betaing and commenting!! :)


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