I know ya'll said "add more fat", but...

May 18, 2012 08:23

Well, let me back up just a moment. I purchased a can of organic coconut milk from Whole Foods (among other things) but I also found its non-organic counter part for sale at my local Jewel for approximately the same price, which is nice. I've since been ingesting small amounts of this coconut milk -- in smoothies.

Anyways. I have lost almost 5 pounds in the last 3 days by adding in a smoothie to my daily routine. I previously had a blender (which we rarely used), and I tried it with the first one I made -- the blender kinda sucked for blending!  So I purchased the small, portable-cup blender by Hamilton Beach, recommended by Primal Toad.of http://www.primaltoad.com It worked out fabulously today before work too, having the blender turn into a portable cup! I drank my smoothie the entire morning up until about 6:30 (I leave for work at 4:30). It is now after 8 am and I'm just starting to feel some hunger pangs!

What was in my smoothie this morning, you ask?

2 frozen and 1 room temperature bananas
several strawberries
20 or so blueberries
2 tbsp whey protein isolate (grass fed)
1 splash of cranberry kombucha
1 tbsp (approximately) coconut milk
1 cup fresh baby spinach

I found a nice little tip online for preserving your coconut milk for later use. I thought it would be wasted after a few days, but someone suggested pouring it into an ice cube tray and then storing in the freezer! What a wonderful idea, I just feel dumb for not thinking of it myself.

Anyhoo, I was teetering at the 153 mark, and yesterday morning I was at 148.8 pounds.  This morning I was at 149.4, but I don't really count it because of the interrupted sleep (waking up soooo early for work!).


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