omg all those models seriously creepy me so so bad. also i keep thinking that youre an old old old chum from like, junior high or something because thats what you feel like for some reason. and then i think "but how and where" do i know you and then i remember that i ve never met you and then i feel weird. but not as weird as them creepy models look. one day we must meet. i will make you a breakfast of champions.
WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! yeah, youre kind of like girl i knew in hs, only you hung with the cool crowd but were perfectly nice to me, only that you are very pretty & i am afraid of pretty girls. an all girls hs is pretty much like TF anyway.
come to welly, i will show you the weirdos of my prev. hood.
no u come to america. i have a third world country passport so its humiliatingly difficult to get visas. lol but also garrrr. im thinking about applying for american citizenshp actually, but then i also harbor dreams of being a bureaucrat in CCP govt (will be like simon wiesenthal, bureaucrat superhero fighting evil via paperwork dun dun dun dun dun)
Comments 3
also i keep thinking that youre an old old old chum from like, junior high or something because thats what you feel like for some reason. and then i think "but how and where" do i know you and then i remember that i ve never met you and then i feel weird. but not as weird as them creepy models look.
one day we must meet. i will make you a breakfast of champions.
yeah, youre kind of like girl i knew in hs, only you hung with the cool crowd but were perfectly nice to me, only that you are very pretty & i am afraid of pretty girls. an all girls hs is pretty much like TF anyway.
come to welly, i will show you the weirdos of my prev. hood.
im thinking about applying for american citizenshp actually, but then i also harbor dreams of being a bureaucrat in CCP govt (will be like simon wiesenthal, bureaucrat superhero fighting evil via paperwork dun dun dun dun dun)
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