Dec 15, 2007 14:26
We have been in contact with "Moot's fake lawyer" and are in close contact with the 4chan administration. We are working together to find a common solution to this immense dilemma.
We appreciate the cooperation of all the individuals associated with this website, and urge you to remain steadfast and patient while we work to expeditiously resolve this matter.
If there is one thing that our company has learned from this is trust 4chan, its members and its administration more than your own clients, as we have been deceived and mislead; however, after speaking with the 4chan administration are very happy with the way this is heading.
Glexia is prepared, due to the circumstances and members of the owners of impersonation of chief officers in our company to cooperate with 4chan.
(Last Edit: 15/12/2007 @ 1:48 PM Eastern)
lol what, pls tell me this is a fucking joke