Second half.

Nov 14, 2010 20:58

Well, apparently the game is actually on but they are showing clips anyway for reasons best known to themselves.

Wooo first and goal.

This just in: Mike Wallace has dumb hair. Boo, first and goal. Held to fourth and a badly shanked fg from 23. Bad day, Steelers.

Guys. Guys. The ground is not a legitimate pass receiver. Stop doing that.

2nd and goal pats. Some nice high yardage plays there.

Honestly i think i could have done a less embarrassing job of kicking the extra point.

In the interests of fairness Brady's hair is also pretty bad.

I never know if the ref armwaving is good or bad.

Whoa, the Steelers seem to have just remembered they're supposed to be at some sort of sporting event.

A guy in a commercial was wearing business attire and nice shoes with no socks. Disgusting. Young people to-day have no standards or morals whatever.

Laffin at the galaxy tab ad with Blockbuster on demand as a selling point. Oldtech is old.

Im in ur endzone, returnin a 31yd interception. Ahem: LOL.

That football song the blonde anorexic caterwauls has the exact same bass and drumbeat as Joan Jett's "I Hate Myself For Loving You". Just saying.

Okay it is 20:26 and there is 7:32 left on the game clock. My guess is the game won't be over till nine. Any takers?

Well dang. A decent Pittsburgh scoring drive. And you let a conversion through? Really? Those never work!

Keystone steelers kops bobble the kick peewee style. Just sad. Pats have possession at the forty. The forty!

Eight minutes later, 5:12 on the clock. That's 3.5 seconds realtime per football second elapsed.

Two minute warning! Only took 25 mins to get there! I would watch more football if the pace weren't so glacial. Solution: make the quarters twice as long, but keep the clock running at all times except for official timeouts. Watching the clock stop every fifth second is just deadly.

All done!
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