Happy New Year!
My new year resolution is to update LJ at least once a week, and be more of a fangirl. Haha -- others may talk about being more mature and grow up, but really, at end of the day, it's way more fun to squee and do fanish things.
I took this week off, thinking that I would lug piglet around the city and do all the New York tourist stuff that we locals always turn our nose up at. But that was quite derailed by the snow storm. Instead I spent the first few days marathoning White Collar, which is something I never ever get a chance to do nowadays, so I really did not mind much. White Collar is of course utter and complete fluff, and I'm almost embarrassed to recommend it to my FL, but if ever you feel the need for pure escapist slash eye candy, this is the series to watch. Fics are almost unnecessary, the episodes themselves, without being obvious, manages to touch almost all the standard slash tropes.
Also, just to show how good my slash radars are -- I first saw
the ad for this series in the NY subway, the one showing a handcuff dangling from the french cuffs of Neal Caffery. I thought, hmm, that looks kind of slashy, and completely forgot about it until I notices a thread on jjwxc.com's bbs on the series, at which point there was already two threads with a few thousand posts between them. ^__^