Dood, honestly, this struck me as being so ridiculous.

Mar 24, 2009 12:41

Friday, I saw the name of an article on Yahoo news that just struck me as being funny.  Even though I believe in negative energy, the way this was phrased made me go "WTF?".  Pope blames recent wars in Africa on "clouds of evil".  
Now, I don't think this was an exact transcription of the article title, but the "clouds of evil" is exact.  This is no offense to any Catholics on my flist, but doesn't it sound crazy to you?

Okay, so I believe it's plausible that negative energy (I wouldn't call it evil) can infect people in its vicinity.  It can cause depression, unfounded fear, lethargy, and yes, even violence.  Maybe I have a problem with the word "evil".  To me, "evil" isn't so much a noun as it is an adjective.  Actions can be described as evil, but evil as a noun is hard to define. It's hard to put one's finger on a big nebulous nastiness.

Plus, "evil" to me has become sort of a melodramatic word that kind of makes me laugh.  I rarely describe something as "evil".  I use words like "wrong", "cruel", "unjust", "unfair", "mean", "horrifying", "awful".  Then again, these are also judgment words that really depend on the upbringing and beliefs of the person saying them.  What might be "cruel" to me may be completely justified in someone else's viewpoint.  Just look at Sarah Palin, who would eat an endangered species everyday for breakfast, lunch and dinner, if she could.  She thinks she's justified.

Evil just seems to me to be the kind of word that has to be drawn out, Snidely Whiplash fashion, whilst twirling a mustache. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEvil."  There's a Munchkin card that attacks with waves of eeeeeeeevil.  The ugly little idol from Munchkin-Fu.

Then again, it may be I'm so skeptical of the "evil cloud" thing because it implies that these warring peoples aren't responsible for their actions.  Even considering negative energy, you can choose to get away,  you can choose to clear the space, you can choose to resist.  You can try to recognize the negative energy for what it is and not succumb to it without a fight.

Humid, 78 degrees with a chance of evil.  Evil front moving in from the south-southwest, with half an inch of violence to fall by mid-afternoon.  Stay home, and don't let yourself be caught up in it, kay?

news, language, morality, evil, spirituality

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