Consequence and Redemption (Chapter 13: Four Sets of Ears)

May 05, 2007 16:44

Title: Chapter 13: Four Sets of Ears
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,716
Notes/Warnings: pre-HBP
Summary: Dumbledore makes decisions regarding Harry’s future.

I don't own any of this sadly, only the computer this was typed on. This is the end of Part I!

Chapter 13: Four Sets of Ears

The magical candles that floated around the grand mahogany desk bobbed serenely in the air, creating a warm yellow orb of light that lit up the otherwise dark office. The portraits that hung on the high circular walls were covered and magically sealed, for this conversation was to be strictly heard by only four sets of ears.

Dumbledore stood in the shadows stroking Fawkes lightly on the head, his back to Minerva and Severus who sat in high-backed chairs near his desk. “Harry needs to be taught.”

“Dumbledore, this is extremely risky,” said Minerva.

“There is little choice. Harry’s Dark Magic has grown very powerful at an alarming rate. This cannot be delayed any longer.” Dumbledore turned slowly, his face half hidden in the darkness. “Harry could be a danger to himself and others if his powers continue to develop unchecked.” He was amazed that no magic, accidental or otherwise, had occurred at the Dursleys’ all summer.

“So the incendia found at the accident site is evidence of Potter’s Dark Magic?” she asked.

“No, the magical signature is unusual. It does not carry the distinguishing qualities associated with either Dark or Light Magic, something I have never seen before.”

“Are we certain that it was human magic? Perhaps other magical beings -”

Dumbledore slowly shook his head, “It does not appear to be associated with any recognized incendia we -”

“Headmaster,” Severus spoke sharply, causing Minerva to raise her eyebrows as she turned her head slowly to survey him with a severe look.

Dumbledore knew that Severus was intent on directing the conversation back to the matter at hand as they had previously discussed this topic. Patience had never been Severus’s forte.

“May I suggest that we first evaluate Potter, before entertaining this option. Complicating the situation by the addition of yet another unknown and unnecessary factor could compromise everything.” Dumbledore stood motionless as Severus continued, his low baritone reverberating through the office, “We must first be absolutely certain that it is true Dark Magic. As you know, to possess the potential to even begin to cultivate Dark Magic is exceedingly rare, let alone the ability to actually harness it.”

“Yes, Potter is an exceptional wizard, but how can we be sure that he has the abilities?” Minerva asked, seeming to concede reluctantly to the abrupt subject change. That was very like her. She was careful to pick her battles, especially with Severus.

Dumbledore suspected that Harry had yet to even begin to access his true magical powers. There was the potential for greatness and the potential for great failure. But dwelling on failure was not a luxury. He had to convince them to support Harry in the training, for they could not afford to let him continue alone any longer.

“He is capable of Projectionary Magic.”

Something flickered through Severus’s eyes. Minerva blanched, “Albus, are you certain?” her voice wavered.

“Partial or complete?”

“The latter, Severus,” said Dumbledore. Severus looked skeptical and Dumbledore knew to curtail his next question quickly to prevent those carefully placed insinuations from derailing the conversation. “Yes, quite extraordinary, considering his age and lack of any prior training. I myself would have been dubious, if I had not heard Harry describe it. But it is very clear that even Harry is unaware of his magical abilities, for he does not know the significance of what he accomplished in the Muggle hospital.” Dumbledore sat down gracefully behind the dark desk. “That ignorance in and of itself is extremely dangerous in the wrong hands.”

Minerva looked at Dumbledore solemnly. “Then it would be wisest for you to teach Potter, not Amaranth.”

Passing the mastery of Dark Magic would have to be handled delicately and skillfully by someone Harry would need to learn to trust unconditionally. Dumbledore knew that this could not be him. The Order could not afford to fail this time - he could not afford to fail.

“That would be a grave miscalculation.” Dumbledore chose his next words carefully. “Harry has grown … wary. Although he does not yet realize it, he will not accept my mentorship.”

“Insolent child!” The words shot through Severus’s lips like a bullet. “Does he not comprehend the gravity of his duty to the wizarding world?”

“Severus, it is not his duty, but his choice - a choice that he has yet to make.”

Minerva closed her eyes.

Dumbledore continued, “We must be content to merely be his guides and assist him through the training.”

Severus’s face remained impassive and Dumbledore had no doubt that he was closing his mind off. “So, there no other Dark Arts Masters, Headmaster?” he asked stiffly.

“There are very few left, due to the Ministry’s stance on Dark Magic, and even fewer who are willing to risk exposing their powers by taking on an apprentice. I believe that Cornelius is watching Hogwarts more intently than usual - we must be careful who we allow into the school. I fear that there are no others trustworthy enough to entrust this task to.”

“But how do we know that we can trust Amaranth?” Minerva looked back at Dumbledore steadily, “We know very little about her.”

Dumbledore pressed his long fingers together as his brow furrowed. “Yes, this is very undesirable situation. But she was the one who found Harry at the hospital and brought him back to us. That act is a demonstration of her goodwill. As well, she has been abroad and removed from the wizarding world for many years, and I do not believe that she is aligned with the Ministry.”

“But we have yet to fully determine her motivations.” Severus’s voice was tight.

Dumbledore spoke after a long pause, “That is true. She will have to be watched very carefully. Harry’s training will not go unmonitored. It will require the cooperation of all of us,” he fixed his eyes on Severus.

Severus inhaled slowly as if trying to harness what little patience he possessed. “Then how do you propose, Headmaster, that Potter be trained by one of the few remaining Dark Arts Masters without Ministry detection?”

“Ah yes, the Ministry.” Dumbledore shook his head and sat back in his chair. “Under no circumstances can Cornelius know about Harry’s training or his Dark Magic. I fear that is all he will need to confirm his incorrect assumption that I am conspiring against him. I suspect that will be all the evidence he will need to convince the rest of the Ministry that we are enemies.” Dumbledore paused, he knew that this was not going to be popular, “Amaranth will occupy the Defense Against the Dark Arts position. As a legitimate teacher, she will remain at Hogwarts where she can mentor Harry and we can keep watch over her and the training. Here, her activities cannot be questioned by the Ministry.”

Severus’s carefully composed features twitched.

“Severus, you shall continue to teach the Defense Against the Dark Arts for the majority of the students, as it is now compulsory, given the present state of our world. Amaranth will only be undertaking the Advanced Defense Courses for the sixth and seventh year students once the proper arrangements can be made.”

Minerva was staring stonily at Severus, her eyes glinted in the candlelight. She spoke her next words slowly, “Severus, Potter must learn how to control his Dark Magic, it’s the only way -”

“I’m capable of simple comprehension. It’s the only way to defeat the Dark Lord,” finished Severus, lips barely moving.

“- the only way that his magic will fully mature,” said Dumbledore pointedly. He glanced at Severus before continuing. “Only then do we stand a chance.”

Minerva gazed resolutely at Dumbledore and he drew strength from her.

“Furthermore, because of Harry’s current condition, it’s advisable that he not yet be made privy to this. Strong Light Magic is necessary to counteract Dark Magic and until we know the extent of his injuries and the status of his magical abilities, we do not want to disturb the natural balance that his Light and Dark Magic seem to have found. I do not feel that this additional burden would benefit him right now for, as you know, turbulent emotion and the mental state are integral components of Dark Magic.” Dumbledore’s eyes saddened, “Harry has quite enough to deal with as it is.” Minerva nodded slowly as Dumbledore continued, “Until he’s ready for the formal training and Amaranth has arrived, we will concentrate on honing his control and focus. It’s imperative that he learn how to center his thoughts and master his emotion before any intensive training can commence.”

Severus arched an eyebrow. “Deliberate and methodical thought and emotional restraint are not Potter’s strengths. How is he to learn without knowing our intent?”

“Occulmency and Legilimency training,” Dumbledore said simply.

There was burst of green flame in the fireplace and the head of a house-elf appeared and squeaked, “Headmaster, sir! The students have arrived, sir.”

Minerva and Severus departed quickly to complete their final Head of House duties, leaving Dumbledore alone in his office. He massaged his temples with his finger-tips as he stared into the small green flames smoldering in the fireplace. Now, all that was left was to convince Amaranth to undertake this grave responsibility and that would be an arduous task. But he must succeed; he knew more than anyone else that Dark Magic, taken without an understanding of the associated responsibility and coupled with untutored power or left to propagate unchecked, could have disastrous consequences.

It cannot happen again.

Dumbledore centered his thoughts as he stood slowly and exited his office, his midnight-blue robes billowing around him. He was lost in thought as he descended the narrow passage on the revolving stairs…

My students are waiting.

…and strode silently through the newly scrubbed halls…

They are the future.

…and past the moving staircases and smiling paintings which waved almost manically in greeting…

They will carry the wizarding world through this war.

…and into the cavernous Main Hall where the four gleaming hour-glasses containing House Points stood full with quietly glittering gemstones…

They are hope.

Dumbledore smiled and his blue eyes twinkled as he threw open the gilded doors to the Great Hall.

Ah, the Welcoming Feast!

Another year at Hogwarts had begun.


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harry potter, four sets of ears, consequence and redemption, multi-chaptered fic

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