Victory is mine!

Oct 06, 2008 23:28

I cracked the WEP passwords to both the routers around my apartment that are using it. If you have a wireless router, always use WPA2. WEP is easily crackable and WPA is somewhat vulnerable as well (depending on the encryption algorithm, I think). WPA2 is still solid, as far as I know.

The first one I cracked had a short WEP key, only 12 hex characters long. The second one had a 26 hex character key. I'm not sure why but I had some trouble with the second one. aireplay-ng was saying injection was working with my card, but I wasn't getting any data packets back from the router trying the different attacks. I thought perhaps MAC filtering was on and so I sat around trying to pick up a MAC address. Eventually, I just tried another attack and it magically worked.

I have two access points for Internet access now. Really three if you want to count that weak open wireless connection. Happy days are here.

Now to see if I can play UT3 with minimal lag. :D
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