Слушаю Tim Ferris - The Four Hour Work Week.

Dec 17, 2010 13:55

Отличная книга. Вот несколько штуковин оттуда:

Rules that change the rules:
1. Everything that popular is wrong.
2. Focus on been productive and not busy.
3. Beating the game, not playing the game.
4. Different is better when it is more effective or more fun.
5. Ask for forgiveness, not permission.
6. Emphasise strength, don't fix weaknesses. Focuse on better use of your best
weapons instead of constant repair.
7. Things in excess become their opposite. More becomes less, etc.
8. Money alone is not a solution.

Это пока докуда дослушал. Разумеется, немного вырвано из конекста, так что лучше слушать.
За наводку спасибо товарищу xieergai29

философия жизни, работа, бизнес

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