Православный супергерой это персонаж, который лично знаком со своим автором и пользуется его содействием. Поскольку автор в рамках своего вымысла всемогущ, это даёт православному супергерою по-настоящему неограниченные возможности. При этом православный супергерой может ничего не знать о Православии, может быть, он даже не слышал имени Иисуса
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Кажется, я знаю такого автора.
Worth the Candle by Alexander Wales
“But it’s not the truth,” I said, fidgeting.
“I can’t tell you the truth,” he said. “You wouldn’t understand it, and I know that because I’ve tried telling you before, in a discarded timeline. So in this, the canonical timeline, I’m just not going to tell you.”
Discarded timelines made me real uneasy. “Can you tell me why I don’t understand?” I asked.
“It’s incompatible with your qualia,” he replied.
“Because my qualia aren’t real?” I asked.
“They’re real within this context,” he said. “But I exist outside of this context.” He looked down at himself. “This is just a context-crossing shell.”
“Sure, fine,” I said. This was illuminating nothing. “I just want you to try. I want you to explain it as plainly and simply as you can. If I don’t understand it, fine, but I want the Truth.”
The Dungeon Master hesitated, as though he didn’t want to say it. “Fine, we’ll try this again. You’re a character in a novel,” he said.
I thought about that for a moment, turning it over in my head. “And you mean that literally?” I asked. “You don’t mean it in the sense of, ‘you’re like a character in a novel’, in the sense that, yes, you created me, and my environs, and you in some sense dictate, or predict, or set up my actions, and you’re like an author? You mean actually, for real?”
“Yes,” he replied, nodding.
“Nah,” I said. “That’s nonsense. I know you said that I would say that, so congratulations on being right, but it just - I do have qualia. I’m not a p-zombie. I can see you, touch you, feel you. I have memories of so many things. I can feel my tongue in my mouth. I’d more easily believe that you’re from the far future, simulating me and everything else, or that I’m a brain you put in a jar and hooked up to wires.”
“I can’t prove it to you,” he said. “That’s what I mean about context. You’re not real, and I can’t take you out of there to show you that you aren’t real. It’s words on a page. What’s real are the emotions and thoughts that those words can evoke in people, and specifically, that they evoked in me. Those are real, which were the whole point of this, for me. That’s why your story was fundamentally about reality, a story about stories, about what we choose to take from fiction. Do you see the duality of you and Arthur? He rejected the narratives. He rejected the cycles. You, instead, answered ‘mu’. You said that it didn’t matter, that even if it wasn’t real, it was real to you, and that was enough. You and me, we arrived at the same point. I know it isn’t real. I know that. But to revel in the glory of our own creation anyhow, to make it matter, that’s the whole point.” He seemed to really mean it. The jokingness was stripped away and there was something in his eyes, an intensity.
“I’m sorry,” I said. “It’s just … far more likely that there really is some way to have infinite computing power, or enough that at the simulation fidelity you’re running it at can trick someone into thinking it’s infinite, and Earth and Aerb are running on some monstrously powerful hardware, if you’re running or ran Earth at all. All the stuff you’re saying about it being a story makes more sense if that’s the case. That you think I’m not real - if you’re going to leave me alone to be god, then I don’t care, I’m not going to sit here and try to convince you that I really do experience emotion and sensation and all that jazz.”
“I know,” he said. “I wanted to avoid it, but there you go, that’s the truth, and you’ve rejected it.”
I let out a sigh, feeling frustrated. “Well then, now I’d like to know the whys.”
Извините, что пришлось обрезать все, кроме ключевого момента - и так еле влезло в лимит 4300 символов. И извините, что на английском - на русский этот текст еще не переводили. Но как мне кажется, это именно то, о чем вы говорите.
Вы не могли бы процитировать, что там было дальше? Чем заканчивается эта сцена?
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