Apr 29, 2009 20:36
Thought I would join and as I have joined thought I would post to introduce myself.
I'm a pretty big Palahniuk fan, his book being the first book being aimed at a target audience for adults that I actually read and well reading Invisible Monsters as a 14 year old was pretty intense.
Since then I've pretty much fallen for his style and it's heavily influenced who I am and where I'm going with my life (studying professional writing in University next year to get into the publishing industry with hopefully the outcome of my own work being published one day)
I've read Invisibles Monsters, Fight Club, Haunted, Lullaby and Diary and utterly love them all. Need to update and add to my collection and am so excited about his new book, slightly sad he doesn't tour it round the UK though, London at least! Any other UK fans in this comm?
Well that's a little on me!
Can anyone recommend the next Palahniuk book I should read? Would also be great to hear your verdict on Snuff, I've heard mixed reviews and also Choke as a movie? How was it? And anyone else REALLY want to see some professional Palahniuk comic books out there? Look forward to hearing from you all!