More amusing text from GalCiv2...

Sep 03, 2006 07:18

"Telepaths are incredibly rare and don't even exist in those vile civilizations who embrace evil. Only those who are able to show mercy and kindness would have this technology. The reason? Because telepaths are nearly always physically handicapped and would never survive in a society that doesn't value charity to the less fortunate.

"We have been lucky enough to find and train a significant number of telepaths who are eager to help us defend ourselves from the horrific natures of our enemies." (Telepathic Defense for deflecting missiles)

"Rejected marketing slogans for this technology: "We support life. Do you? Would you like to?" and "We don't discriminate. We support life of all kinds." and "Buy this or die!" (Ultimate Life Support, I think?)

"Management is like playing a strategy game. You have to think quickly and make precise moves or bad things happen. Our advanced logistics allow us to maintain even more fleets and starbases, proving that playing video games all day doesn't rot your brain." (Advanced Logistics)

"It's amazing what can be accomplished when you chain programmers to their desks. ..."

"The other civilization leaders said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built it all the same, just to show 'em. It sank into the swamp. So, I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So, I built a third one. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp, but the fourth one...stayed up! So now you can do the same! Good luck to ye!" (Soil Enhancement)

Greeting from another civilization: "You complete me." ... I'm sorry, but I don't think a culture that's declared itself Ethically Good is compatible with one that likes to introduce themselves to a new race by saying "We are a powerful and evil race. That's right, I said evil. Let's say it together E-V-I-L. Doesn't that feel good? I mean evil."


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