Feb 27, 2007 09:37
Ok, new update on the how the world turns. On spring break so I have a few minutes to speak...
Work - I am now a member of the Blues. That makes me a blue wage slave. Huzzah. Or something. At least I'm making (almost) decent money again.
Home - No changes. In fact, things are starting to backslide. I am a loaf of bread; lo, bread does not get to be excited. Bread does not have sex. Bread is vital to continued existance but has no pazzaz or joy. Bread is just bread.
School - Today I start my term assignment for my Geology class and start putting the study notes together for the last chapter of our current unit. Tomorrow I take a practice final for my Cisco Class.
Friends - Missing them all. I get to see L and Spidernoire every now and again but beyond that I'm swamped. Miss all you guys.
The Cam - is running strong with some very cool people joining up. I think its going to be a great game that will stand the test of (/checks watch) at least three or four years. Being coordinator has been a lot of fun and I really look forward to doing it again for at least one more year (starting in August). After that, I'll let someone else take the reigns, methinks...
Movie Projects - I get to start scouting locations on the first week in May for the Silent and the casting call will begin about the middle of the month. Interested parties who don't think I know you're interested can email me at the address you got for me.
Cheese - I plan to buy a wheel of cheese later this month. It will be big and cheesy. I will invite people over to enjoin the cheesiness.
Tenna San, Mellonai
- Ronin