As the world turns...

Oct 30, 2006 12:26

Thought I would send up a post since I haven't in awhile. Just a general to do and what's up to let folks know I'm still alive.

So, recent history;

Went to Conclave, met Voltaire, had a blast. Note to all; Voltaire rules, don't miss his concerts or try to have your ex-girlfriend record them for you on your voicemail because he'll screw with you if you get caught.

Got to play with some fun LARP drama. Yay! LARP drama. In the end, all was resolved quietly but I need to take a different approach to my job. Polite is fine, but Sagely silent is, apparently, better.

This weekend I got to stay at home with the Fam. My little brother, Me, and the wiff were all laid up with various maladies; Jay had the Flu (I think), I'm fighting through Bronchitis, and Laura has some 'Thing' that she's mucking with. Fun fun. I even got to carry my half-passed out little brother around for awhile because he nearly lost it in the bathroom. Ah, the joys of being sick. At least we're all operational now (sorta).

Now, I get to post a fond farewell to someone I thought was a friend but apparently isn't. Well, at least there were some good times and we can part amiably, bypassing the cursing, name calling, and stupid innuendo (with any luck, anyway). At least I know who my real friends are.

Now, on to a little writing before I sink back into the schoolwork doldrums...

Tenna' San

The Soon and Future Mr. Dark
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