Updating the Minutiae

Jan 10, 2010 22:10

Twitted throughout the day:

  • 01:20 must be forgiven if he really doesn't want to go through photos of disneyworld today; not wanting to remember right now. #
  • 01:23 paradoxically wouldn't mind an entire pound of chocolate right now; hates his downs. wants his uppers. Wants alot...can't have. maybe liquor #
  • 01:38 Nice to see a fellow wildcat. So You Think NU Can Dance? Week 1 deadspin.com/5436987/ #collegebasketball #soyouthinknucandance #
  • 19:11 found that gnb/cardinals game ridiculous. Sad for A.Rogers as he missed that last throw just a bit and thus lost it all. #
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