Feb 20, 2010 17:54
Note, this does NOT include you, my friends. Still, I see what a petty bickering shitty little tribe humanity is and it sickens me. People really do deserve to wipe themselves off the planet. Let the animals have domain again. It really rips me up seeing animals suffer at the hands of idiots. Today on the way in, I saw a raccoon that had been hit in the road. He was messed up and not going to make it, but 3 cars in front of me went out of their way to hit it again, like some sort of demented sport. We, with our supposedly superior intellegence are so damned wise and know best, but we kill and maim these poor critters who are doing nothing but trying to live their lives and we have no guilt or remorse. Every day I look at all the fuzzy little faces of the kids when I let them out to play and I think how easy it would have been for any or all of them to be mistreated by some asshat. And I have to be very careful not to think too much lest I remember that for every one of the lil guys living a good life at Weasel Way, hundreds more ARE suffering, right now and theres not a damned thing I can do about it. I guess I just think too damned much....