Never Forget Us...

Jul 23, 2008 11:45

To anyone that may cross this entry...Please never forget us, we whom have bled our bodies and our souls so that you may hate us if you so wish..

I sit at a desk in a home that I never expected to find again as my prior one had gone away like the ephemeral dream that it was always. I feel my heart in my chest gripped with sorrow as I see so many come home broken in body, spirit, or both. I cannot watch the news anymore as I weep openly when I see us treated like mere numbers to prove a political point. We didn't ask to become what we are now but we did our duty and just like our forbears before us.

A soldier never asks to be thanked or given anything for what they have bourne upon their shoulders. It wounds me deeply to see our nation treat her warriors with such disdain and mistrust. Everywhere I go I see the "Support Our Troops" but I want to stop each car, person, or group that utters that statement to ask "what does it mean?" I am the son of man who was not allowed to enter his country in uniform that he had earned with his own blood, after 3 years of service in Vietnam.

I served with comrades who came home sacrificing their bodies and I came home whole. I live with a sense of guilt because of those images and will till I die. Please never forget us and remember that we gave our full measure in defense of each other. For in the hell that is war, we had no home, love, family, or friends except those to our left or right. I implore you to never forget the soldier, sailor, marine, or airman that bled themselves for you. I pray that we have earned at least that much of your devotion.

The Song is a bit old but I hope it brings the pain we feel sharply into your minds...We don't want medals or parades just never to be forgotten...

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