Jul 22, 2008 18:41
Well it has come and went...SWRE 08 and another con experience filed in the dust bin of memory...Overall I had fun but there are some points of focus that require a bit more effort on my part.
Getting to meet so many faces, names, stories, well its a bit much even for a social animal such as myself. I take to that environment like a duck to water and I thrive in the center of the chaos. Still watching someong I love feel hurt by the turbulent motion of game, very little sleep, and even less time together is hard on me but I need to make more of an effort in the future. It was good to learn a few things about myself and my life, even if they were a bit painful to learn.
Meeting Jess & Pat Hartley along with their friend Tug was a wonderful experience and has opend a lot of new possibilities. Amanda and Josh Humble, I wish you both well in your new assignment in Thailand, you will both be missed. To the whole of the "Savage" family line, Erin, Byron, Chris, and Dan you guys play the best villians and thanks for the rp. Charmain and the others whom I helped make ling fun, thank you for the opporunity to assist.
To all whom I haven't mentioned thanks and I will look forward to seeing you again soon. The people and what we do to help others is what makes us so great. Keep the faith and remember I will see you at another con soon enough:)
Jared Royka