I went out and ran a bunch of errands today. Stopped at the library and picked up a couple of books I had on hold. Stopped at the Post Office to buy stamps. sorry those of you that are getting Christmas cards from me-no Christmas stamps-I got the ones you buy at the current price and can use if the price goes up.
I finished up my Christmas shopping today-had to pick up a secret Santa gift for the office party.
I've picked up the apartment, rearranged the living room and am now in the process of setting up the tree/decorating. The cat is trying to help. *glares at cat*
Later tonight while I am watching my DVD of It's a Wonderful Life I will finish up my Christmas cards and get them in the mail Monday at work.
This happened while I was shopping:
Why are people so unobservant and dumb? I was pulling up a lane at Target because I saw an empty space. The people in the SUV next to that space were getting out. The man got out and had to unbuckle his small child from the car seat. I patiently waited because I know those things can be complicated to unhook. (I swear they base the design on the harness system designed to keep astronauts in their seats during lift-off. Not that it is a bad thing to have in a car seat. I am all for keeping the kidlings safe.). His wife (or so I assume) had come around to his side of the vehicle. At this point, instead of moving out of the way, they stood there and started talking. I waited a minute (literally because I started counting one mississippi, two mississippi, etc.) They showed no signs of moving so I lightly tapped my horn. They both gave me a dirty look and moved around to the back of the SUV and started unloading a stroller. When I got out of the car, the guy said to me I didn't appreciate you honking your horn at me to hurry me up. I said If I was going to honk at you to hurry up I would have A-done it while you were getting your kid out of the car and B-laid on the horn. I needed to pull into the empty space you were occupying while you were talking because there were people behind me waiting as well. You easily could have conducted your conversation at the back of the car. Oh and Have a Merry Christmas. said in a nice tone of voice. His wife looked a bit ashamed but he was still fuming. I half expected to see my car keyed.