I'm lazy, so for the most part, I'm just gonna copy and paste from last year with a few edits.
You all knew it was coming... It's that time of year again for the 6th Annual SF Secret Santa. You all know the drill. Leave me your email addy here or message me on AIM (Pakmansi). If you participated last year, I still have your email address unless you've changed it or stopped using it. If you forgot what email address you used, let me know and I can tell you. The drawing will be held on November 21rd. The gift exchange will take place at the Pak residence on Dec. 22, 2007. Anyways, let me know. My sister is currently planning the Xmas party, so expect more than the usual amount of people this year.
Oh, BTW, I turned on comment screening so that if you do decide to post your email address, it won't be visible to everyone.