May 06, 2009 19:37
I officially got sick on Sept 22, 2008.
FMLA ran out April 21st 2009.
As of Today I am on Inactive Leave from Southwest.
I get 120 days from May 2, (last day I worked) of Medical coverage.
At that point It expires and I'm in Deep Doo-doo...
Yesterday I had a Spiral CT scan done of my Chest, to try and figure out why I STILL am having breathing issues. Today I had a Second one done, with Contrast this time. I don't know if that means they did the wrong one yesterday, they couldn't see my lungs clear enough, or they saw something, and needed a better look at it. Hopefully tomorrow I find out.
My Cellulitis is better but leg is still 1/3 bigger then the other. :(
And Monday Night, my system decided I needed a UTI as I was only having a small difficulty with my breathing... :( HOW the Heck can I get a UTI when I am on Antibiotics (actually 2 different ones) and have been most of the time for the past 8 months.
May 8th 2003 I had a DVT, which let a clot lodge in my lungs and darn near killed me. I have a Filter in protecting my Right leg, but who knows at this point.
I think it is time for me to study and finish my Network+ and Security+ Certificates, and to finish up getting Cyn's Web pages completed. Right now It has a pretty nice front page, and a small news section which has already gotten out of date. And a Shopping Cart that is not worth using...
Well don't know where the Play book is, but I guess I can start on some of those 'tasks' I know need to be done, it will be next week at the earliest before I get a chance to return to work, and all things being equal I'm going to guess a month, which gives me time to get a lot of needed stuff done. :)